version: '3.4' ## ## docker-compose production overwrites: ## services: proxy: restart: unless-stopped ports: # EXPOSE PORT 80 - "80:80" - "443:443" extra_hosts: - ${APP_HOST}: ## ## it may be necessary to persist single config files (with absolute paths!), ## for SSL usage, or other customizations. ## example (adopt the /home/translate5/ paths to your needs): ## #volumes: # - /home/translate5/docker/nginx-server.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/server.conf # - /home/translate5/docker/certificate.cert:/etc/nginx/certificate.chain # - /home/translate5/docker/private.key:/etc/nginx/private.key php: # for development: (GIT_USER / GIT_TOKEN of bitbucket must be set in .ENV then) # image: translate5/translate5-git restart: unless-stopped volumes: - translate5-data:/var/www/translate5:cached # just start the apache, if no updates on restart are desired # DO THAT NOT BEFORE THE DEFAULT ENTRYPOINT WAS USED ONCE! # entrypoint: apache2-foreground frontendmessagebus: restart: always db: restart: always command: ## attention: must completely copy the values from default yml, since command directive is overwritten not merged! ## additional parameters after --disable-log-bin --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password --sql_mode=ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci --innodb_ft_min_token_size=1 --innodb_ft_enable_stopword=0 --disable-log-bin --innodb_buffer_pool_size=2147483648 volumes: - translate5-db:/var/lib/mysql t5memory: restart: always volumes: - t5memory:/root/.t5memory/MEM termtagger: restart: always deploy: replicas: 4 languagetool: restart: always environment: langtool_languageModel: /ngrams #Java_Xms: 256m #start size Java_Xmx: 2048m # TEST ME # FIXME set max mem settings! volumes: - languagetool-ngrams:/ngrams - languagetool-dict:/dictionaries okapi: restart: always # ENABLE ME IF USING Visual plugin #pdfconverter: #restart: always #visualconverter: #restart: always volumes: translate5-db: translate5-data: languagetool-ngrams: languagetool-dict: t5memory: